Have you ever signed up with a hosting company because they had a great intro price, just to be smacked with the full price when it came time to renew?
Or maybe you signed up with the hosting company because a site you respect recommended it, only to find out that they have horrible customer service and the only reason they were recommended was because it made someone money?
Yeah, we don’t like that either.
Something Different
Our philosophy here is a bit different. We don’t have a public affiliate program (you have to be a client) and we don’t have one-time discounts. We believe in being loyal to our clients and our clients are usually pretty loyal to us. Besides the fact that our support treats you like family, we strive to earn your trust by giving you more the longer you’re with us.
Prices Don’t Go Up
We’ve been around a long time, and over that time our prices and packages have changed. But one thing you can count on is that we won’t raise our prices on you for any reason. As long as you remain on the same package, your price will never go up. Even if you used a coupon, that coupon will remain in place for the life of that specific account. The only exception to this is domain names, as we don’t control the prices of domains and they seem to rise every year. BUT if you have a yearly hosting package with us your domain name is free and will continue to be free each year you renew with us.
You Can Earn Bonuses
Each year we do a Spring Cleaning Event, where our clients can get bonuses. In April (almost like it’s our birthday) we send out an email to our clients inviting them to clean up their accounts. If a client responds to the email detailing the steps they’ve taken a bonus will be applied to their account. And they get to keep that bonus for the life of their account! Free stuff? Heck yeah!
You Could Get Free Hosting
Our affiliate program is only available to our clients and it doesn’t pay cash (sorry). But you can apply the balance to your hosting bill and end up getting free or discounted hosting. The payouts for this are recurring, so you could essentially have 20 people sign up under you and never pay for hosting again.
Client Loyalty Discount
After a set period of a time, clients are eligible for a loyalty discount based on the amount of time they’ve been with us. These discounts are applied across the board to all products for the remainder that account is active with us. This discount may be offered or requested, but it is not applied automatically. We typically use this to help clients who may not have the budget for a larger package they need.
We Love Our Clients
The truth of the matter is that E-Starr is a family business and thanks to our wonderful clients we’ve been able to pay bills and put food on the table. I’ve (Amy) been able to work from home and spend more time with my kids as they were growing up, instead of spending a large chunk of my life with them commuting or working to build someone else’s dream. We love and appreciate everyone who has helped us to make our dream life a reality.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.